In Cuba, maternal-infantile care is based on the priority given to it by the State, the implementation of the Maternal and Child Care Program (PAMI, Spanish acronym for Programa de Atencion Materno Infantil), and the guarantee of equitable access to health services.1,2 In turn, it is reinforced in the political will of developing science and its transforming character as the center of analysis and solution of all the country’s problems,3 as well as in the presence of a timely integration between assistance/teaching and research, expressed in the existence of a joint work system opportunely designed between the Provincial Directorate of Health and the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas.
A SWOS analysis of the Maternal and Child Care Program in the province of Matanzas, an element used as a base for transforming, determined the need of developing -from its proper teaching component- six strategies that cross-cut the program:
I. Strategy for Strengthening the Family Physician and Nurse Program. This program has become the very essence of the National Health System. Its improvement will increase the level of resolution of the health problems, increase the quality of the care provided and the satisfaction with it, and will raise the population’s health status.
II. Strategy for the development of the human resources involved in the PAMI, with actions that include, in turn, the following elements:
Development of undergraduate degree: completion of the plans for places in the Medicine and Nursing degrees; development of the movement of students-assistants in the specialties involved in the PAMI; differentiated attention to the members of the Mario Muñoz Monroy Vanguard Movement, as future source for the specialization and running of the PAMI.
Postgraduate development: completion of the plans for places of specialization by different ways (vertical internship, direct way and normal way, paying special attention to the training of specialists on the bases of the specialty of General Comprehensive Medicine), and development of a timely residents retention strategy.
III. Strategy for the sustainability of the teaching staff. Undoubtedly, the performance is determined by the level achieved by the professorial staff, so prioritized attention and the systematic follow-up to the professors’ categorization processes are essential aspects for each institution. This strategy has very precise subcomponents:
Technical-professional: leaded at monitoring the training component of the PAMI indicated by the Ministry of Public Health to which the learning needs of the province of Matanzas are added.
Administrative and teaching-methodological directorate.
Obtaining scientific categories (two aspects: performance master’s degrees and doctoral programs.
Obtaining research categories. In this regard, special attention should be paid to opportunities, according to Resolution Nr 85 of 2016.
IV. Strategy for the development of science and technological innovation. As a priority research line of the health system of the province of Matanzas, expressed in the institutional banks of problems, the main topics are analysis of the health situation, research trends, emergent research, and impact at the national and territorial level.
V. Strategy for quality development. Quality management as a management approach includes the theory of total quality, based on eight principles: personal approach, leadership, democratic participation, process management, management as a system, continuous improving, information for decision-making, and relationships with the environment. To this end, the intention is to complete the dossier for the hospital accreditation of the provincial gyneco-obstetric hospital (hospital self-evaluation), proposed for 2024, and to carry out the accreditation of the specialty of Gynecologic and Obstetrics also for 2024.
VI. Computerization strategy. It consists of the combination and organization of methods and materials chosen to guide the process of orderly and massive use of the new information and communication technologies, which contributes to meeting the information and knowledge needs of all spheres of society, bringing about an increase of the quality of life by extending the quantity and quality of the services that can be received. It is mainly aimed at the computerization of processes, the development of the videoconferencing system for monitoring the Managegrama at the territorial level, and the design of an apk on obstetric risk.
As can be seen, medical teaching in the province of Matanzas faces great challenges in its integration with assistance, to reach the expected results of the PAMI. A change of thoughts is therefore required. Let’s make it possible.
1. García Ríos L, De la Mora Martín F, Acosta Fonseca M, et al. Resultados de trabajo del Programa Materno Infantil. Hospital Pediátrico Universitario de Cienfuegos, 2021. Medisur [Internet]. 2022 Ago [cited 2023/08/21];20(4):617-68. Available at: Available at:
2. Santana Espinosa MC, Esquivel Lauzurique M, Herrera Alcázar BL, et al. Atención a la salud maternoinfantil en Cuba: logros y desafíos. Rev Panam Salud Públ. 2018;42:1-9. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 31093056.
3. Ministerio de Salud Pública. Cuba registra una tasa de mortalidad infantil de 7,6 por mil nacidos vivos, en un año complejo debido a la pandemia de la COVID-19 [Internet]. La Habana: MINSAP; 2022 [cited 2023/08/21]. Available at: Available at:
- » Recibido: 24/08/2023
- » Aceptado: 28/08/2023
- » Publicado : 03/09/2023