Carbon monoxide intoxication. Case presentation


  • Jurek Guirola Fuentes Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • Liudmila Pérez Barly Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • Dilianis O Rellys Noda Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • Ramiro Guedes Díaz Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • Yenisei Soca Rodríguez Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.


intoxication, carbón monoxide, combustión, inhalatory exposition.


 This is the case of a male patient, aged 19 years, who accidentally inhaled the combustion gases of the vehicle he worked with during his work in an underground construction. This action lasted for around 30 minutes, and after that he stayed in the place for three hours without individual protection devices. It resulted in the onset of symptoms of moderated carbon monoxide intoxication. That was the motivation of admitting him in the hospital for treatment.


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How to Cite

Guirola Fuentes J, Pérez Barly L, O Rellys Noda D, Guedes Díaz R, Soca Rodríguez Y. Carbon monoxide intoxication. Case presentation. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 May 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];40(3):1-6. Available from:



Presentation of cases

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