Safety in major surgery. Five-year experience


  • Libardo Castillo Lamas Hospital Militar
  • Javier Cabrera Reyes Hospital Militar
  • Ángel J Sánchez Maya Hospital Militar
  • Vladimir Miranda Veitía Hospital Militar
  • Darian Denis Delgado Hospital Militar


safety, surgery, adverse events, third victims, surgical mortality


Introduction: mistakes in surgery are committed since the moment the man had the courage of violating the integrity of the human body looking for solving a health problem. The World Health Organization started the program Cirugías seguras (Safe Surgeries in English) in 2008, because they calculated that 234 millions of major surgeries are done and around a million of deaths are related with major surgical procedures every year.
Aim: to determine the safety of the major surgeries
Materials and Methods: an observational, descriptive and retrospective study was carried out analyzing the results of the major surgeries in the Teaching Military Hospital “Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy” of Matanzas in the period from January 2011 to December 2015.
Results: a total of 7 366 major surgeries were done: 5 525 elective surgeries (75 %) and 1 841 emergency surgeries (25 %). 7 264 were classified as A1 (98,6); 127 surgical re-interventions were done (1,7 %); 107 adverse events took place (1,4 %) and the surgical mortality was 86 patients (1,16 %).
Conclusions: major surgical interventions are safe. The adverse events were less than data reported in the international medical literature. Surgical mortality fulfills the parameters accepted in international standards.



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How to Cite

Castillo Lamas L, Cabrera Reyes J, Sánchez Maya Ángel J, Miranda Veitía V, Denis Delgado D. Safety in major surgery. Five-year experience. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];39(5):1033-40. Available from:



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