Education on reproductive health and osteoporosis prevention in the Senior High School Jose Luis Dubrocq. Matanzas. 2013-2015


  • María Elena Blanco Pereira UCMM
  • Marena Jordán Padrón UCMM
  • Yisel Martínez Peréz UCMM
  • Alejandro Noda Pulido Especialista en Medicina General Integral.
  • Ángel Bárbaro Hurtado de Mendoza Soler UCMM
  • Ketia Rocha Hernández UCMM


intervención educativa, adolescente, educación sanitaria integral.




Introduction: teenagers´ behavior and life styles might be dangerous and unhealthy, so it is necessary an integral approach to their sanitary education.

Objective:  to implement a designed educative program  for contributing to the development of knowledge on reproductive health and osteoporosis prevention in ten-grade teenagers from the Senior High School ¨Jose Luis Dubrocq¨, municipality of Matanzas.

Materials and methods: prevention study carried out in the period February 2014-March 2015, in three stages: validation of a program and educative materials by a specialist, program implementation and evaluation of the post-intervention knowledge in 180 male and female students randomly chosen (45 % of the population), whose learning necessities were previously diagnosed. The coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated to determine the level of concordance criteria between specialists, and the T student test was applied to compare the arithmetic mean of the knowledge before and after intervention.

Results: the validation of the program and fold-downs was acceptable, and the suggestions were taking into account for their improvement. The level of the teenagers´ knowledge was evaluated as good after the intervention.

Conclusions: the efficacy of the educative program was proved because the development of the knowledge on the themes was stated. 


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Author Biographies

Yisel Martínez Peréz, UCMM

Estudiante de 5to ano de Medicina, alumna ayudante de Ginecoobstetricia

Alejandro Noda Pulido, Especialista en Medicina General Integral.

Estudiante investigador de sexto año de Medicina e instructor no graduado de Medicina Interna

Ángel Bárbaro Hurtado de Mendoza Soler, UCMM

Estudiante de sexto año de Medicina e instructor no graduado de Pediatría.



How to Cite

Blanco Pereira ME, Jordán Padrón M, Martínez Peréz Y, Noda Pulido A, Hurtado de Mendoza Soler Ángel B, Rocha Hernández K. Education on reproductive health and osteoporosis prevention in the Senior High School Jose Luis Dubrocq. Matanzas. 2013-2015. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];40(3):1-12. Available from:



Research article