Educative program for preventing periodontal disease in teenagers


  • Pedro Julio Martínez Álvarez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz. Villa Clara.
  • Bárbara Toledo Pimentel
  • Teresa Cabañin Recalde
  • Magaly Escanaverino Oliva
  • Maykelin Padrón Alfonso
  • Maria de la Luz Hernández Roque


teenagers, educative program, periodontal disease.


Introduction: it is a challenge to modify harmful habits and behaviours for the oral health of teenagers through educative programs.


Objective: to prepare an educative program for preventing periodontal disease in teenagers.


Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out in the period from November 2016 to April 2017 in 7th grade teenagers from the Urban Junior High School “13 de Marzo”, of Placetas. The variables of the study were periodontal disease, sex, and information level on periodontal disease. The educative program was prepared on the basis of the gathered information. The research was carried out taking into account the international ethic norms for the biomedical research. Absolute frequencies and percentages were used for the analysis of the results.


Results: 69.2 % of the patients suffered the disease; 64 % of the female students and 50 % of the male ones had mild gingivitis. Only 10.3 % suffered moderated gingivitis. 65.8 % of the patients had an inadequate information level. The program dealt with themes like periodontal disease prevention; teeth brushing; effects of smoking in the periodontium and importance of a balanced diet. The educational level and age of the students to which the program was directed at were taken into account. Many participative techniques were applied to motivate the students on the theme.


Conclusions: the educative program was valued as positive according to the criteria of specialists due to the level of relevance to solve the deficiencies that were found.



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How to Cite

Martínez Álvarez PJ, Toledo Pimentel B, Cabañin Recalde T, Escanaverino Oliva M, Padrón Alfonso M, Hernández Roque M de la L. Educative program for preventing periodontal disease in teenagers. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];40(6):1729-4. Available from:



Research article