Prevalence and severity of the periodontal illness diabetic patients


  • Ivernis Mercedes Villegas Rojas Clínica estomatológica docente "27 de Noviembre"
  • Abdiel Díaz Rivero Policlínico “Juan Gualberto Gómez”
  • Yodenis Domínguez Fernández clínica estomatológica 27 de Noviembre
  • Berta Alina Solís Cabrera clínica estomatológica 27 de Noviembre
  • Yadelis Tabares Alonso clinica estomatológica 27 de noviembre


diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease, prevalence, epidemiology.


Introduction. The periodontal diseases are the joint of the inflammatory diseases that affect the supporting tissues of the tooth. It´s considered health problem that behave as a risk factor that influences upon systemic conditions like diabetes mellitus.

Objective. Determine behave of the periodontal diseases in diabetic patients.

Material and method. An observant, descriptive and transversal studied was carried out in the policlinic Juan Gualberto Gomez from Los Arabos Matanzas provinces from January to May 2016 in a universe of 12 diabetic patients older than 20 years, of both sex, without distinction in the color of the skin and in a full physical and motor conditions. They were analyzed variables than:  age, sex, prevalence and severity of the periodontal disease also oral areas with periodontal affection.

Result. The more significant age from 61 years old and more.The female sex prevailed with 75 %; the 66 % had periodontal disease. Gingivitis was presented from mild to moderate in a 25 %. The 41.6 % presented moderate levels of periodontitis. Thebuccalareaswereaffected in a 75 %. The area of the lowerincisors was the most significant compared with theupperincisors and uppermolars with 50 %.

Conclusions. The periodontal disease showed a high prevalence in the population studied.  The female with 61 years old and more prevailed in correspondence with the current aging in population mild gingivitis and moderate periodontitis prevailed. Buccal areas of lower incisors and upper molars were affected by periodontal disease


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Author Biographies

Ivernis Mercedes Villegas Rojas, Clínica estomatológica docente "27 de Noviembre"

Especialista de II grado en periodontología

Máster en atención a la urgencia estomatológica

Investigador agregado

Profesor auxiliar

Abdiel Díaz Rivero, Policlínico “Juan Gualberto Gómez”

especialista I grado e estomatología general integral

Yodenis Domínguez Fernández, clínica estomatológica 27 de Noviembre

especialista I grado de estomatología general integral

profesor instructor

Berta Alina Solís Cabrera, clínica estomatológica 27 de Noviembre

especialista I grado de estomatología general integral
Master en atención a la urgencia estomatologica
profesor instructor

Yadelis Tabares Alonso, clinica estomatológica 27 de noviembre

Especialista I grado estomatología general integral

Master en atención a la urgencia estomatologica

profesor asistente



How to Cite

Villegas Rojas IM, Díaz Rivero A, Domínguez Fernández Y, Solís Cabrera BA, Tabares Alonso Y. Prevalence and severity of the periodontal illness diabetic patients. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];40(6):1911-30. Available from:



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