Fibula ostectomy in painful genu varum of the knee. Preliminary results after a year of the surgery


  • Enrique A. Pancorbo Sandoval Hospital Militar Docente de Matanzas Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • Alfredo Ceballos Mesa Centro de Investigaciones Médico Quirúrgicas. La Habana.
  • Dunieski Hernández Valera Hospital Militar Docente de Matanzas Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • José A Quesada Pérez Hospital Militar Docente de Matanzas Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • Alberto Delgado Quiñones Hospital Militar Docente de Matanzas Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.
  • Fidel Sánchez Villanueva Hospital Militar Docente de Matanzas Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.


painful genu varum, fibula ostectomy, 1 year post surgery period.


Introduction: the fibular osteoarthritis could be a very invalidating disease due to its symptoms, characterized by pain, insecurity and functional loss. It is a degenerative disease whose prevalence has increased during the last decades, tightly linked to population ageing.
Objective: to validate the technique of fibular ostectomy in the painful genu varum as a new treatment option.
Materials and Methods: a prospective, lineal study was carried out in the Military Hospital “Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy”, of Matanzas, from April 2016 to August 2017. It was used the new technique of Dr. Ying-Ze Zhang, from the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University in Shijiazhuang, China. Currently there is a series of cases of 75 patients, with 84 operated knees; the results of the first 11 operated patients, are presented here after a year of the surgery.
Results: the average age was 64.3 years, 45 years the youngest and 84 years the eldest; from them, 8 were men and 3 women. The analogical visual scale for the pre and post-surgical pain was applied during the gait and when going upstairs. During the gait all the patients were above 6, and when climbing upstairs above 7. After a year from the operation 10 patients got an evaluation between 0 and 3 points during the gait, and 9 got the same score when climbing steps; one got 5, and only 1 patient kept the same score than before the operation. Taking into account these scores, 9 patients were evaluated as good, 2 regular, and there were 3 complications.
Conclusions: after a one-year follow-up, the pain greatly improves, improving patients’ security during the gait.


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Author Biography

Enrique A. Pancorbo Sandoval, Hospital Militar Docente de Matanzas Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas.

Jefe del Servicio de Ortopedia. Profesor Auxiliar. Presidente del Capítulo de la Soiedad de Ortopedia de Matanzas. vicetesorero de la Junta Directiva de la SCOT de Cuba



How to Cite

Pancorbo Sandoval EA, Ceballos Mesa A, Hernández Valera D, Quesada Pérez JA, Delgado Quiñones A, Sánchez Villanueva F. Fibula ostectomy in painful genu varum of the knee. Preliminary results after a year of the surgery. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];40(1):99-109. Available from:



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