An approach to the treatment of the cirrhotic patient


  • Alfredo Enrique Arredondo Bruce Hospital Provincial Docente Amalia Simoni Universidad Médica Carlos J Finlay
  • Yon Trujillo Pérez Hospital Provincial Docente Amalia Simoni.Camaguey.
  • Martin Chiong Quezada. Hospital Provincial Docente Amalia Simoni


cirrhosis, fibrosis, diet, pharmacotherapy, invasive procedures


Cirrhosis is a reversible status of the liver fibrosis, being the 8th cause of death in the United States and the 9th cause of death in Cuba.  This article reviews the practical treatment of cirrhosis based on the review of clinical research published in MEDLINE, HINARI and Scielo, during the last years. The main causes of hepatic cirrhosis include the chronic hepatitis caused by B and C viruses, alcoholism, and the non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis. Malnutrition occurs in 20-60 % of the patients with cirrhosis, therefore low protein diets are under revision; it is recommended a strict use of salt; the use of drugs should be strictly evaluated. Hypotensive drugs should be cautiously used when the average arterial tension is lower than 82 Hg mm.  Non-selective beta-blockers are indicated in developed esophageal varices. It is also recommended to be cautious with analgesics and proton pump inhibitors while the statins use is not restricted.  Regarding the invasive procedures, surgery should be evaluated very carefully, and the MELD index can help with respect to prognosis and expected mortality. In refractory ascites, paracentesis should be massive relayed on albumin use, and should be carried out as soon as possible in the suspicion of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. In conclusion, the adequate nutrition use, the control of complications and risk factors, could lead to reversibility of hepatic cirrhosis.



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Author Biographies

Alfredo Enrique Arredondo Bruce, Hospital Provincial Docente Amalia Simoni Universidad Médica Carlos J Finlay

Especialista de 2º grado en Medicina Interna

Profesor Consultante. Investigador Auxiliar. Master en Ciencias y Humanidades médicas, Jefe Catedra Clinica

Yon Trujillo Pérez, Hospital Provincial Docente Amalia Simoni.Camaguey.

Profesor Asistente. Especialista de 1 Er grado en Gastroenterologia

Martin Chiong Quezada., Hospital Provincial Docente Amalia Simoni

Profesor Asistente. Especialista de 1 Er grado en Gastroenterologia



How to Cite

Arredondo Bruce AE, Trujillo Pérez Y, Chiong Quezada. M. An approach to the treatment of the cirrhotic patient. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];41(5):1288-96. Available from:




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