Education at work in the studies of Medicine and its relation to medical right


  • Catalina Adelina Serrano Dirección Municipal de Salud de Cárdenas. Matanzas.
  • Moraima Monzón Pérez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas
  • Marisol Zequeira Corzo Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas.
  • Miguel Ángel Planells Rodríguez Hospital Docente Julio M Aristegui Villamil. Matanzas.
  • Violeta Robles Mirabal Dirección Municipal de Salud de Cárdenas. Matanzas
  • Juan Vicente Enseñat Guerra Dirección Municipal de Salud de Cárdenas. Matanzas.


Medicine studies, education at work, medical right, teaching organizational form.


The education at work is the organizational form of teaching when job skills are developed. To carry on this activity in the undergraduate level, students have to be able of solving medical problems, taking decisions and having skills allowing them to perform right in the practice. This article pretends to approach the main questions on this activity as the mean for the fulfillment of the principles of the medical right in Medicine studies. This activity is assumed as an action transforming reality. It is the mean to build the main systems of values, knowledge and skills required by the students in the teaching processes; therefore it should not be strange to the precepts related with the fulfillment of the medical right, manifested through the knowledge of the principles and the relation doctor-patient having its maximal expression in the training activities carried out in this kind of organization of teaching. It was proved that the curriculum of Medicine studies is based on Laws, Rules, Resolutions, Methodological Guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health and the Guidance of the Social and Economical Politics in Cuba endorsing and supporting the health services quality.   The authors consider that the possibilities given by the education at work in its relation to the theoretical and practical aspects of the Cuban medical right are not exploited the most.


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Author Biographies

Moraima Monzón Pérez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas

Miguel Ángel Planells Rodríguez, Hospital Docente Julio M Aristegui Villamil. Matanzas.

Juan Vicente Enseñat Guerra, Dirección Municipal de Salud de Cárdenas. Matanzas.



How to Cite

Serrano CA, Monzón Pérez M, Zequeira Corzo M, Planells Rodríguez M Ángel, Robles Mirabal V, Enseñat Guerra JV. Education at work in the studies of Medicine and its relation to medical right. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];41(4):993-1002. Available from:



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