Clinical characterization of the intracerebral hemorrhage in patients admitted in the Hospital Faustino Perez. 2012-2013


  • Lisett Méndez Fleitas Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Yanet Carmona Denis Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Luis Enrique Moreno Peña Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Carmen Rosa Escalona Robaina Hospital Universitario ComandanteFaustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Juan Alberto Ortega Peñate Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas


intracerebral hemorrhage, risk factors, lethality.


Introduction: cerebrovascular diseases are a health problem around the world, being the third cause of death, the first one of disability in adults, and the second cause of dementia in the world.

Objective: to characterize intracerebral hemorrhage in these patients in relation to age and sex, risk factors, lethality according to its location and hemorrhage extension.

Materials and methods: an observational, retrospective study was carried out in patients admitted in the Hospital Faustino Perez with intracerebral hemorrhage in 2012 and 2013. The universe of the study was 86 patients admitted due to intracerebral hemorrhage.

Results: male sex (54.65 %), 70-79-years-old age group (34.88 %) and black race (49.7 %)   predominated. The most frequent risk factor was arterial hypertension (82.55 %), followed by diabetes mellitus (23.25 %). Lethality was higher in patients elder than 80 years old (41.66 %). According to location, the subcortical one was the most frequent (34.88 %), and the most lethal was the one of the brainstem (100 %). According for the extension, the pure intraparenchimatous one predominated (69.76 %), and the intraventricular one was the most lethal (55 %).  

Conclusion: the intracerebral hemorrhage was more frequent in male sex, 70-79-years-old age group and black race. The most frequent risk factor was arterial hypertension; the most frequent location was the subcortical one, and the one with larger extension was the pure intraparenchimatous one.  Lethality was higher in patients aged more than 80 years, located in the brainstem and with intraventricular extension.



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How to Cite

Méndez Fleitas L, Carmona Denis Y, Moreno Peña LE, Escalona Robaina CR, Ortega Peñate JA. Clinical characterization of the intracerebral hemorrhage in patients admitted in the Hospital Faustino Perez. 2012-2013. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];41(1):90-103. Available from:



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