Precocious nutritional intervention in elder people with community-acquired pneumonia
precocious nutrition, pneumonia, mortality.Abstract
Introduction: nutrition has a capital importance in the evolution of in-patients. Malnutrition prevalence ranges from 30 % to 60 % of the admitted patients.
Objective: to evaluate the impact on mortality and the short time complications of the precocious nutritional intervention.
Material and Method: a case control study was carried out with all patients who entered the Emergency Intensive Care Unit with the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia associated to malnutrition in the Military Hospital ¨Dr, Carlos J. Finlay¨ from November 2017 to May 2018.
Results: the average age was 80.73 ± 9.01 years. 46 % were female patients. Global mortality was 26 %. 69 % of patients had complications. The group of study showed a higher survival (7 deads and 29 survivors) than the control one where there were 12 deads and 24 survivors ( 2=0.18). Table 2 shows that there are differences between groups according to the complications found. The difference between groups was remarkable in relation to the quantity of patients with diarrhea. The incidence was higher both in the group of survivors (8) and in the group of dead peoples (3) of the control group. On the other hand, hyperglycemia was much higher in the group of study (11) but without striking on mortality ( 2= 0.03). Table 3 shows strong evidence relating deficient nutritional status to a worth evolution. Among the deceased patients only 1 had a nutritional status classified as slightly malnutrition, but among the 22 deceased, 14 had severe malnutrition.
Conclusions: the nutritional status at admission negatively strikes on short term mortality, and mixed precocious nutritional strategy does not reduce that aspect. However it does reduce the number of complications, though it was associated to a higher incidence of hyperglycemia without striking on mortality.
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