Social determinants in the propagation of Zika virus in the Americas



Key words, Zika virus, Aedes Aegypti, social determinants.


The Zika virus is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes; it is characterized by exanthema, headache, fever and other complications. The first Zika virus case in Cuba was detected in February 2016, and although the epidemic is controlled the risk still exists because of the presence of the vector. With all these elements the authors decided to carry out this study with the objective of determining the influence of social determiners in the behavior and propagation of the disease in Latin America. Its declaration by the WHO as a health emergency makes it necessary the development of a comprehensive program to eradicate the vector, to prepare the officiating professionals and to inform the population for controlling the disease spreading.



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How to Cite

Sangronis Viart T, Álvarez Escobar MC, Torres Álvarez A. Social determinants in the propagation of Zika virus in the Americas. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];42(4):1-8. Available from:




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