Ageing and falls. Its social impact



falls, risk factors, social impact, elder people


The growing demographic ageing observed in different countries constitutes a complex phenomenon of global relevance, which has an impact on the various sectors of society, public health among them.
Falls are found among the great geriatric problems affecting elder people´s life quality, constituting a fragility marker and a frequent event in people aged 60 years and more. Almost one of each three adults living in the community have the risk of falling once a year. The risk increases with age, the presence of co morbidities, antecedents of previous falls and gait disorders, among others. Its consequences are serious and could lead to the admittance in institutions and even death. They have social and public health implications; for that reason it is considered very relevant that health care staff and the society in general could acquire basic knowledge on falls in elder people, to detect them and properly intervene; it warranties the achievement of longevity with wellbeing.   


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Author Biography

Barbara Madeleidy Martínez González, Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de Matanzas. Hospital Universitario Faustino Perez Hernandez

Especislista de Primer Grado en gerontologia y Geriatria. Master en Longevidad satisfactoria. Profesor Asistente Hospital Universitario Faustino Perez Hernandez


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How to Cite

Martínez González BM, Hernández Falcón N, Díaz Camellón DJ, Arencibia Márquez LF, Morejón Milera A. Ageing and falls. Its social impact. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];42(4):1-12. Available from:




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