Skin epidermoid carcinoma treated with HeberFERON®



epidermoid carcinoma, interferon alfa-2b, interferon gamma


Introduction: there are few reports in the literature on the use of interferon in the treatment of the squamous cell carcinoma. In a primary care unit in Colon, Matanzas, HeberFERON® was implemented in this type of tumor with favorable experiences.

Objective: to describe the effectiveness of HeberFERON® in epidermoid carcinoma.

Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive study was conducted in 33 epidermoid carcinoma lesions in 29 patients. The doses were 7.0 and 10.5 MUI of antiviral activity, perilesionally infiltrated three times a week for three weeks. Clinical follow-up of patients was performed before the treatment and at 16 weeks from the beginning of the treatment. The variables were: age, sex, skin phototype, origin; location, clinical type, stage and clinical response to treatment. Four categories of response were considered: complete, partial, stable and progressive disease. The objective response (complete plus partial) was included. Data were collected in a clinical record. The Microsoft Excel and SPSS programs were used for statistical processing.

Results: 65.5 % of patients were male. 58.6 % are phototype II and of urban origin. Ages ranging from 61 to 80 years (55.2 %) predominated. There was objective response in 57.6 % (five complete and 14 partials). The superficial keratotic squamous cell carcinoma and the nodular ulcerative one showed the best responses.

Conclusions: interferon mixing was effective in all clinical subtypes of epidermoid carcinoma, although the authors suggest a second cycle of HeberFERON® or to associate it with chemotherapy when the response is not complete.


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Author Biography

Yohan Amador-García, Policlínico Docente Comunitario Carlos J. Finlay. Matanzas

Especialista de I grado en Medicina General Integral Especialista de I grado en Oncología Clínica


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How to Cite

Fernández-Martori M, Soler-Cárdenas SF, Amador-García Y, Bello-Rivero I, Durán-Marrero K. Skin epidermoid carcinoma treated with HeberFERON®. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 17 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];44(2):1-18. Available from:



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