In vitro” genotoxic effect in Melaleuca leucadendron L


  • Enma Guevara Pérez Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener. Matanzas
  • Lázara González Landorán Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener. Matanzas
  • Raisa González Giralde Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener. Matanzas
  • Tamara Cabrera Dorta Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener. Matanzas
  • Rolando Medina Domínguez Hospital Provincial Docente Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas




After demonstrating a potent antifungal and antibacterial effect in Melaleuca leucadendron L. leaves, and having into account other described effects as antihelminthic, parasiticide in skin diseases and even insecticide, we wanted to widen the biologic studies of this plant to find its possible prejudicial effects. We evaluated the fluid extract of these leaves in a short-time “in vitro” assay, using Aspergillus nidulans strain UH-223 to know the extract potential as grow reductor of the colonies and inductor of genetic damages in this microorganism. The studies were carried out using the method of adding in plates; as a result we obtained a considerable reduction of the microorganism colonies dimension, caused by the toxic effect of the extract, and also a raise of the mitotic segregation index, as a expression of genotoxicity for the assayed microorganism; we obtained even higher values than in the positive control used. We recommend continuing this study, using other assays that may improve the evaluation of the genotoxic potential of Capeyut, as it is commonly known this plant, frequently used by people.


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How to Cite

Guevara Pérez E, González Landorán L, González Giralde R, Cabrera Dorta T, Medina Domínguez R. In vitro” genotoxic effect in Melaleuca leucadendron L. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];30(2):188-94. Available from:



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