Modeling the flows of high risk patients with COVID-19 in Matanzas with a Lean approach



integrated management, patients flow, COVID-19, Lean approach


Introduction: in the context of the pandemic, the efficient management of the patients flow with a focus on their trajectory is crucial. In this sense, the Lean approach allows to increase the performance of the health care system, eliminating activities that do not generate value for the patient.

Objective: to carry out an integral analysis of the high risk patients flow with COVID-19 in Matanzas, using the Lean approach.

Materials and methods: a quantitative methodology, structured in four stages was implemented for the integrated management of the flow of high risk patients with COVID-19, using the Lean approach.  This methodology integrates tools for the selection of experts, process representation, structural analysis and value flow maps. It was applied during the period of highest incidence of the pandemic in Matanzas (May 1st to August 1st 2021).

Results: deficiencies related to the flows of high risks patients with COVID-19 in Matanzas were identified. A comprehensive analysis of the flows was carried out in order to make a proposal for improvements with a Lean approach. The proposal guaranteed an optimization of 1 500 minutes per service cycle, with an efficiency of 85.86% of the total time of each cycle (treatment stage), and 59.38% of the waiting times between them.

Conclusions: Lean tools allow a comprehensive analysis of the patients’ flow, in addition to showing a route for their management, focused on the trajectory and not on the occupation of the resource.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Suárez Y, Marqués-León M, Hernández-Nariño A, Santos-Pérez O. Modeling the flows of high risk patients with COVID-19 in Matanzas with a Lean approach. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];45(4):e5136. Available from:



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