Quality of life in university students: perception of physical and mental state versus anthropometric reality
quality of life, anthropometry, body compositionAbstract
Introduction: Knowing the quality of life is essential to carry out interventions in a population. Through an anthropometric evaluation and the perception of quality of life, the reality of this situation could be determined.
Objective: To establish the correspondence between quality of life and anthropometric characteristics in students of the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out where the quality of life —using the SF questionnaire— and nutritional anthropometry of 48 subjects were evaluated. The correspondence between quality of life, body mass index and anthropometric characteristics was established.
Results: Overweight individuals showed higher SF-36 function and physical role scores than those with normal body composition according to their body mass index. The overweight individuals reported having better general health and better social function. In females, those who report having a very good quality of life have a predominance of the endomorphic component, and those who consider having a lower quality of life have an endomorph component, but less than those who report a better quality of life. In the male sex, it is appreciated that those who showed regular quality of life were meso-endomorphic; those who had best ratings had less adiposity and greater relative musculoskeletal development.
Conclusions: The use of the anthropometric characteristics of the studied subjects allowed establishing, in the male sex, a correspondence between them and the quality of life. In the female sex, on the other hand, the quality of life was overestimated, reflected in a higher value of fat mass in those who reported very good quality of life, and in an underestimation of the quality of life of those who had better physical condition.
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