Poor control and high cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients of a university
arterial hypertension, control, global cardiovascular riskAbstract
Introduction: Arterial hypertension is a disease of high prevalence and fatal complications. Due to this, an adequate management is needed in the primary care, and also preventive and intervention strategies, as the HEARTS initiative in the Americas. It is also known that there is a high prevalence of hypertensive patients among the working staff of the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences.
Objective: To identify the behavior of disease control and global cardiovascular risk stratification.
Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study in which the first 80 hypertensive patients evaluated in the consultation of the aforementioned institution were included. The methods used were analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and statistical.
Results: Of 808 workers, 276 were hypertensive, for a prevalence of 34.1%. Among the inadequate lifestyles, sedentary lifestyle predominated, with 59 patients (73.7%); 40 of the 80 patients studied had a quantitative cardiovascular risk equal to or greater than 10%, while qualitative cardiovascular risk showed that 68 (85%) had a medium or high risk. Cardiovascular diseases predominated within target organ damage, with 16.2%.
Conclusions: Arterial hypertension continuous to be one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Its screening, control and risk assessment are a priority of the medical care at the primary level.Downloads
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