Inguinal hernioplasty with autologous tissue. Mohan Desarda Technique



hernioplasty, autologous tissue, hernia, rear wall


In general surgery consultations, patients carrying hernias of the abdominal walls, and within them, hernias of the abdominal wall, are frequently received. The hernia, as an entity, has been mentioned since the year 1500 BC C. on the Ebers papyrus. Its incidence is high, with a complex anatomy, and sometimes percentages of frequent recurrency are stated, which makes this entity an interesting topic of great value for surgeons in general. The main objective of this work is to consider that Mohan Desarda’s hernia repair technique complies with the main principles of hernia repair. In it, complications are minimal due to the use of a strip of autologous tissue as reinforcement for closing the defect, and the recurrence index is lower compared to that demonstrated by others.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Juan Alfaro-Alonso, Hospital General Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Colón, Matanzas

Especialista de I grado en Cirugía General Máster en Urgencias Médicas Profesor Asistente

René Luis Escaig-Olivares, Hospital General Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Colón, Matanzas

Especialista de I grado en Cirugía General Profesor Asistente

Orelvis Ramos-Herrera, Filial de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Eusebio Hernández Pérez. Colón, Matanzas

Especialista de I grado en Medicina General Integral Profesor Instructor


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How to Cite

Alfaro-Alonso RJ, Escaig-Olivares RL, Ramos-Herrera O. Inguinal hernioplasty with autologous tissue. Mohan Desarda Technique. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];45(6):e5217. Available from:



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