Determination of subclinical morbidity in hypertensive patients



arterial hypertension, target organs, hidden damage


Introduction: Systemic arterial hypertension is a chronic disease with high prevalence, and at the same time a disease and a risk factor for other chronic non-communicable diseases, due to its potential to cause hidden damage in target organs.

Objective: To determine subclinical morbidity in hypertensive patients treated in a medical consultation of a penitentiary unit of the Ministry of Interior in the province of Camagüey, between 2020 and 2022.

Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive and longitudinal study was carried out on the relationship between hidden target organ lesion and blood tension levels, in a sample of 82 hypertensive patients with normal clinical examination. From them, age, skin color, blood pressure figures, personal pathological antecedents, toxic habits, glomerular filtration, electrocardiogram and Mini-Mental State Examination were obtained, which were managed according to descriptive statistics.

Results: The age group between 31 and 50 years, white, sedentary, and obese people predominated, also finding a high percent of smokers, with a small number of alcoholic and drug addicts; a high percentage of patients suffered from renal damage according to glomerular filtration. Cardiovascular damage diagnosed by electrocardiographic alterations appeared in a third of the sample, and neurological damage from the Mini-Mental test, was observed in more than half of the sample.

Conclusions: All the studied patients presented some type of subclinical organic damage.


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Author Biographies

Alfredo Enrique Arredondo-Rubido, Policlinico Comunitario Docente Joaquín de Agüero y Agüero. Camagüey

Especialista de primer grado en Medicina General Integral Aspirante a Investigador

Alfredo Enrique Arredondo-Bruce, Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Amalia Simoni. Camagüey

Especialista de segundo grado en Medicina Interna Máster en Ciencias y Humanidades Médicas Profesor Consultante Investigador Auxiliar Jefe de Cátedra Clínica


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How to Cite

Arredondo-Rubido AE, Arredondo-Bruce AE. Determination of subclinical morbidity in hypertensive patients. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];46:e5225. Available from:



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