Mechanical intestinal occlusion due to gallstone ileus. Case report



biliary ileus, mechanical intestinal obstruction, gallstones


Obstruction of the lumen of the small intestine by an abnormally located gallstone, incorrectly called gallstone ileus, accounts for 1% to 3% of all obstructive bowel syndromes. It is defined as an unusual entity characterized by mechanical intestinal obstruction, caused by the impact of one or several gallstones in the intestinal lumen, usually in the terminal ilium. The objective is to describe the present case due to the infrequency of this entity, to describe the diagnostic system and conduct taken, as well as to carry out the analysis of the related literature. An 87-year-old female patient presented with symptoms of vomiting and abdominal distension of 20 days of evolution, with an unusual, very poor general condition, characterized by mechanical intestinal obstruction caused by the impact of one or several gallstones in the intestinal lumen, usually in the terminal ilium. An exploratory laparotomy was performed, where a large stone of approximately 4 cm was observed in the proximal ileum which completely obstructed the lumen. Enterolithotomy and bowel resection were performed without intervention in the gallbladder or bile duct. She died on the third day of the immediate postoperative period due to decompensation of her cardiovascular disease. It is concluded that gallstone ileus is a rare entity without studies that standardize a specific treatment and that it requires surgical intervention. Enterotomy for stone removal is a safe and effective technique without the need for intervention in the bile duct in the first time.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Suárez-Cuevas, Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología. La Habana

Especialista de I grado en Cirugía General y en Medicina General Integral Diplomado en Cirugía Oncológica Profesor Asistente Investigador Agregado

Olga Noemí Rodríguez-Marrero, Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología. La Habana

Especialista de I grado en Oncología Clínica y en Medicina General Integral Diplomado en Mastología Máster en Diseño y Conducción de Ensayos Clínicos Investigador Agregado

Giselle Albertini-López, Centro de Investigaciones sobre Longevidad, Envejecimiento y Salud. La Habana

Especialista de II grado en Cirugía General Máster en Investigaciones de Climaterio y Menopausia Profesora Auxiliar


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How to Cite

Suárez-Cuevas A, Rodríguez-Marrero ON, Albertini-López G. Mechanical intestinal occlusion due to gallstone ileus. Case report. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];45(6):e5279. Available from:



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