Hegemonic masculinity: negative factor in the prevention of sickle cell anemia in Matanzas
sickle cell disease, hegemonic masculinity, prenatal diagnosis, prevention, genetic counselingAbstract
Introduction: In Cuba, great importance is given to the care of mother and child, which is why programs are develop to prevent diseases such as sickle cell anemia, hereditary condition very frequent in the world. Genetic counseling of this disease reveals hegemonic masculinity traits inherited from a patriarchal culture, which conspire against prenatal diagnosis of the disease.
Objective: To describe the patterns of hegemonic masculinity which negatively affect the prevention of sickle cell anemia in the province of Matanzas.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive research was carried out, through the review of sickle cell anemia clinical records of the Medical Genetics Department of Matanzas, from 1981 to 2021.This genetic record was computerized in Excel and the information was examined. The number of husbands of carrying pregnant women who refused hemoglobin electrophoresis was analyzed, as well as the number of couples denied to prenatal diagnosis and the causes in both cases. A percentaje analysis was performed, presented in tables.
Results: 7140 husbands of pregnant women carrying sickle cell anemia were studied; those who refused hemoglobin electrophoresis constituted 1088 due to non-acceptance of paternity and morbimortality for this disease. Of 428 risk couples, 252 were prenatally diagnosed; 78.9% of those 176 not studied corresponded to male denial, where fear of abortion, dissatisfaction with morbimortality, and irresponsible paternity traits prevailed.
Conclusions: Patterns of hegemonic masculinity are negatively manifested in genetic counseling for sickle cell disease. Dismantling them progressively helps to improve the prevention of this disease through prenatal diagnosis.
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