Efficacy of BiolineTM Malaria Ag P.f/P.v test for early diagnosis of malaria in Angolan children



plasmodium, malaria, diagnosis, effectiveness, Angola


Introduction: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, and affects all regions of the African continent. In Angola, it is responsible for 35% of mortality in children under five years of age. In Huambo, in 2021, there was an increase in the number of cases above the national average, reporting an incidence rate of 384 cases per 1000 inhabitants, and in the Ecunha municipality figures of 71,089 cases, a rate of 680 cases per every 1000. The thick smear is the method of choice for the diagnosis of malarial infection. Different researchers describe the BiolineTM Malaria Ag P.f/P.v rapid diagnostic strips as a suitable method for the diagnosis of malaria infection. In the Ecunha municipality, there are difficulties in performing thick smears on all patients, so the use of rapid diagnostic strip techniques could offer a good alternative for early diagnosis and immediate treatment of infected children.

Objective: to determine the effectiveness of the BiolineTM Malaria Ag P.f/P.v rapid diagnostic test, for the early diagnosis of malaria in children, in the Ecunha municipality, Huambo province, Angola.

Methods: An evaluation of the diagnostic method of malaria infection was carried out at the Municipal Hospital of Ecunha, Huambo, Angola, between April 2021 and April 2022.

Results: Although malaria constitutes one of the metaxenic diseases at the national level, few figures are available regarding the usefulness of rapid tests in the Angolan population, including asymptomatic patients or those with low parasitemia, compared to thick and extended smear.

Conclusions: The BiolineTM Malaria Ag P.f/P.v rapid diagnostic test presented a similar efficacy for the diagnosis of malaria infection compared to the thick smear.plasmodium; malaria; diagnosis; effectiveness; Angola


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Author Biographies

Liana Burgois-Leonard, Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández. Matanzas

Especilaista de primer grado en Medicina General Intergral Máster en Medios Diagnósticos Residente de Imagenologia Diplomado de Ecografía Diagnóstico Profesor Instructor

Diomer José Alcolea-Chávez, Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Celia Sánchez Manduley. Manzanillo. Granma

Especilista de primer grado en Medicina Interna Diplomado en Terapia Intensiva Profesor Asistente

Roberto Cañete-Villafranca, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas

Director del Consejo Provincial de Sociedades Cientificas de la Salud Jefe del Departamento de Parasitología Presidente del Comité de Ética de la Investigación y de la Comision de Ética Médica del Centro Provincial de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología. Matanzas

Liz Burgois-Leonard, Clínica Dermoestética. Ciudad de Panamá

Especilista de primer grado en Dermatología Máster en Educación Superior


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How to Cite

Burgois-Leonard L, Alcolea-Chávez DJ, Cañete-Villafranca R, Burgois-Leonard L. Efficacy of BiolineTM Malaria Ag P.f/P.v test for early diagnosis of malaria in Angolan children. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];46:e5385. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/5385



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