Social impact of voluntary termination of pregnancy
abortion, consent, moral valuesAbstract
Provoked, induced or deliberate abortion is as old as humanity itself. But it was only from the moment in which the man began to reflect on the purposes and consequences of his actions related to pregnancy and motherhood that dissimilar conflicts of moral values arose. Since then this has become insoluble, given that not all individuals or human collectivities are guided by the same scale of values. Hence the discussion of the morality of induced abortion is considered one of those that generate a lot of heat but radiate very little light. However, the right to argue will continue to behave as a bioethical dilemma whose validity requires the consent and autonomy of patients, who demonstrate their intelligence and freedom in decision-making. This work aims to reflect on the social impact that provoked abortion has for women today. This is an issue that affects fundamental values for humanity.
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