Risk factors for cervical cancer in patients treated in a doctor’s office
cervical cancer, risk factors, preventionAbstract
Introduction: Cervical cancer is a serious health problem that can be prevented with early diagnoses and the active participation of women and health professionals.
Objective: To determine the association of risk factors and the onset of cervical cancer in women from Doctor’s office #7 of the Teaching Polyclinic Julio Castillo Alvarez area, in Chambas, Ciego de Avila.
Materials and methods: A retrospective, analytical study was carried out with 18 women aged between 25 and 60 years, with previous diagnosis of cervical cancer, and belonging to the Doctor’s Office # 7, who were treated at the Provincial General Teaching Hospital Roberto Rodríguez, in Morón.
Results: Only 13% of the participants mentioned premature gestations and 37.0 reported vaginal infection. Teenage pregnancy was the most common factor, with 55.6% of women affected. Most of women (92.6%) had taken contraceptives.
Conclusions: The risk factors identified include the first intercourse before the age of 15 and smoking, present in a clear minority. Pregnancy in adolescence and ingestion of oral contraceptives were the most mentioned.Downloads
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