Level of knowledge of the nursing staff on the management of the patient with invasive mechanical ventilation
diagnosis, management, invasive mechanical ventilation, nursingAbstract
Introduction: In intensive care units, patients are hospitalized in a potential mortal condition. Therefore, they require invasive mechanical ventilation as a method to help promote and to maintain airway permeability. Nursing care in these units is an important pillar for the monitoring and evolution of ventilated patients.
Objective: To identify the level of knowledge of the nursing staff on the management of the patient with invasive mechanical ventilation
Methods: A descriptive and cross sectional study was carried out in the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Surgical University Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, in Matanzas, between January 2022 and July 2023. The universe was made up of 62 nurses. As inclusion criteria were taken into consideration the willingness to participate in the study and be active in the service, and as exclusion criteria those nurses of temporary stay. A questionnaire was designed.
Results: The largest percent of the nurses studied were at the bedside. The level of knowledge that prevailed in the questionnaire was regular.
Conclusions: The diagnosis allowed us to identify problems and potentialities of the object studied. The cognitive dimension presented the greatest difficulties. The need to develop an improvement system that contributes to strengthening nurses’ knowledge about the care of patients with invasive mechanical ventilation was reaffirmed.
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