Usefulness of lung ultrasound in the evaluation and monitoring of pneumonia in children
lung ultrasound; pneumonia; chest x-rayAbstract
Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children worldwide. Its diagnosis is based on the use of physical examination, laboratory tests and chest x-ray. The latter has the disadvantage of being ionizing, not very sensitive and not very available; its interpretation is not always easy, it requires training and is subject to great inter-observer variability. On the other hand, lung ultrasound has several advantages: it is a quick, cheap, non-invasive test, it can be performed practically at the bedside and allows different organs to be explored immediately. In addition, it constitutes an instrument of high diagnostic value available within the reach of the health professional, and is used in all medical specialties. This work is carried out with the objective of contributing to the theoretical knowledge necessary to promote the use of lung ultrasound in the evaluation and monitoring of pneumonia in children and thus reduce the risk of exposure to ionizing radiation emitted by x-rays. A review of the updated medical literature on the role of lung ultrasound in the evaluation and monitoring of pneumonia in children was carried out through the databases PubMed, SciELO, Scopus and Medigraphic, and the Google Scholar search engine. It is concluded that currently lung ultrasound has acquired a leading role, its use facilitates non-invasive evaluation and monitoring of children with pleuropulmonary disease and its application guarantees the reduction of the risk of exposure to ionizing radiation.
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