Motivation and job satisfaction of General Surgery residents
learning, General Surgery, motivation, job satisfactionAbstract
Introduction: Motivation and job satisfaction are factors that guarantee the necessary social commitment of the health professional.
Objective: To characterize the factors influencing the degree of motivation and job satisfaction of General Surgery residents.
Materials and methods: a descriptive, observational and exploratory study was carried out in the General Surgery Service of the Surgical Clinical University Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, of Matanzas, in 2023. Theoretical and empirical methods were used (document review, motivation and job satisfaction test and SWOT matrix) and statistical-mathematical tests. The variables studied were motivation and job satisfaction.
Results: In the documentary review it was found that there are no actions that contribute to raising the degree of motivation and job satisfaction. The degree of general job satisfaction of the residents was found at a medium level and general motivation was high. In the in-depth interview, the professors were dissatisfied and indicated a lack of discipline and commitment to the teaching-learning process of the residents. From the SWOT matrix, the weaknesses, threats, strengths, and opportunities related to the variables studied were established.
Conclusions: Insufficient material and financial resources, inadequate working conditions, deficiencies in the management of the service and deficiencies in the teaching-educational process and teamwork were the identified causes of dissatisfaction and work demotivation in the residents of General Surgery.Downloads
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