Importance of the application of knowledge about Santeria by the physician in the medical interview



medical interview, doctor, patient, believer, natural medicine


The majority of the Cuban population practices various religious believes. Among those that have a predominance of religious elements from the African component of the Cuban ethnos, Santeria has the largest number of believers. The management of knowledge by the doctor about the material and spiritual aspects of culture, especially about religious themes and with emphasis on Santeria, makes it easier for him, before interviewing his patients, to identify believers or initiates in that religion and the orishas who are their respective objects of devotion. These believers usually imitate in their gestures and personal appearance, as well as in their private and public behavior of daily life, the hagiographic content of their tutelary orishas. The application of this knowledge allows the doctor to obtain preliminary, presumptive information about the behavior, customs, habits, diet, disposition for social relationships and dialogic fluency in the communication of that patient. The objectivity of such information is corroborated by what is provided by the doctor-patient dialogic exchange during the medical interview. The doctor who manages this knowledge and applies it in that interview, has in his favor a high level of probability of communicating quickly and effectively with the patient who is a believer or initiated in Santeria, obtaining an excellent anamnesis, a subsequent diagnosis of high therapeutic value and good acceptance of the indicated medical treatment.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Domingo Ortega-Suárez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas

Profesor del Departamento de Investigación y Posgrado Gabinete de Formación Doctoral

José Alberto Afonso-de-León, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas

Profesor de la Dirección de Posgrado Gabinete de Formación Doctoral


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How to Cite

Ortega-Suárez JD, Afonso-de-León JA. Importance of the application of knowledge about Santeria by the physician in the medical interview. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];46:e5583. Available from:



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