Effect of COVID-19 on the oral cavity
coronavirus, pandemic, COVID-19, oral cavityAbstract
Introduction: At the end of 2019, in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, cases of a new coronavirus were notified which, as a result of its capacity for respiratory transmission, overcrowding of local population, and international trafficking of people and goods managed to reach the category of global pandemic. It is an infection that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome. In the literature consulted studies were found about the oral cavity as the main route of infection by SARS-CoV-2, and the impact of the high risk of contagion on dental practice. This work aims to determinate the implications in the oral cavity of patients that are convalescent from COVID-19.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study was carry out in the convalescent COVID-19 population of the municipality of Cárdenas, between December 2020 and March 2021.
Results: Female sex predominated in the selected sample; the age group that prevailed was the one between 35 to 59 years old, and high blood pressure prevailed as a chronic non-communicable disease. Patients were described with the so called “COVID tongue” and gum bleeding who at the same time presented xerostomia, all after receiving the first dose of IFN-alfa or HeberFERON.
Conclusions: Ageusia and anosmia were the predominant oral manifestations in COVID-19 convalescent individuals in the territory.
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