Adolescent education in epigenetic, an advanced vision of health



preconception education, epigenetics, adolescent, health promotion


Human development responds to the instructions of the individual genome, but molecular marks in the DNA, caused by the environment, are added to this programming. The objective of this article is to recognize the importance of the adolescent education in epigenetic, as a transgenerational health strategy. Epigenetic processes manifest throughout ontogeny, are transgenerationally heritable, reversible, and are associated with frequent diseases suffered by humans. Epigenetic mechanisms are induced by factors of diverse nature, including lifestyles. The life experience of parents and grandparents can activate or deactivate the genes of gametes, or of developing offspring, and modify the expression of the genetic code of their descendants, so it is unavoidable to take this issue into account when designing educational activities that promote comprehensive health, and particularly reproductive, aimed at adolescents, when they are fully immersed in the process of forming skills and consolidating values. Adolescence is the opportune moment to start epigenetic education that will contribute to the adolescent’s health in his present and future, and that of future generations. It is a challenge that the medical university faces in the training and performance in this topic from pre and postgraduate teaching, as a tribute to the preconception education of society and the improvement of human health in the life cycle.



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How to Cite

Blanco-Pereira ME, Jordán-Padrón M, Martínez-Leyva G. Adolescent education in epigenetic, an advanced vision of health. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];46:e5729. Available from:



Opinion article