Effects of personalized physical activity on the concentration and motivation of university students
physical activity, academic motivation, concentration of attention, university studentsAbstract
Introduction: Motivation activates cognitive resources so that students learn the teaching-educational content that the university proposes as meaningful learning, while concentration of attention is the ability of a subject to maintain his focus on the learning stimuli. Therefore, it is important to enhance both variables to improve academic performance, and personalized physical activities can be a complement to develop them.
Objective: To assess the effects of personalized physical activity on the concentration and motivation of university students.
Methods: Quasi-experimental, quantitative research, where two independent homogeneous samples are studied (control group: n=24; experimental group: n=23). Personalized physical activities are applied to the experimental group for 16 weeks, measuring their indicators of academic motivation and concentration of attention at two moments after implementing the intervention process.
Results: before the intervention process, it is evident that both groups are homogeneous (Motivation: p=0.744; Concentration: p=0.375); maintaining the control group approximately the same performance after the intervention process (motivation: p=0.693; concentration: p=0.563), and increasing performance the experimental group (motivation: p=0.000; concentration: p=0.000). The comparison between independent groups, as part of the post-test, shows significant differences in favor of the experimental group (motivation: p=0.000; concentration: p=0.000).
Conclusions: It is evident that personalized physical activities can improve the concentration of attention and academic motivation of university students, and constitute complements of interest to directly improve the aforementioned indicators, and indirectly, indicators to improve academic performance.
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