Impact of a training program in communication skills in medical students



medical students, communication skills, clinical simulation


Introduction: Communication is one of the essential pillars of the doctor-patient relationship, so it is essential for students to acquire communication skills in the undergraduate training courses of Medicine.

Objective: To evaluate the global effect of a training intervention for the acquisition of communication skills in medical students of the National University of Rio Negro, Andean campus, Argentine.

Methods: A quantitative methodology was used: quasi-experimental before and after, longitudinal, prospective study. 54 students participated, who worked on their communication skills in a program based on clinical simulation. A validated checklist of medical communication tasks, used for the evaluation of communication skills, was applied before and after the intervention.

Results: Statistically significant improvements were observed in all dimensions of communication by the students, with an overall increase in performance of 44 %.

Conclusions: The significant changes in the five dimensions evaluated suggest that training interventions based on clinical simulation allow students to improve communication skills.


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Author Biographies

German Guaresti, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro-Sede Andina. San Carlos de Bariloche

Director de la Carrera de Medicina Profesor investigador

Mariela Bellotti, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro-Sede Andina. San Carlos de Bariloche

Profesor investigador Investigadora de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Coordinadora de Ingreso de la carrera de Medicina


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How to Cite

Guaresti G, Bellotti M. Impact of a training program in communication skills in medical students. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46:e5851. Available from:



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