Pedagogical analysis of the cardiovascular adaptations of the university champion team of masculine volleyball



cardiovascular adaptations, physical load, pedagogy, university men's volleyball


Introduction: Cardiovascular adaptations are determining indicators of sports preparation; their efficient control allows concrete actions that improve bio-adaptive process of the organism, with the prospective design of pedagogical methodologies for physiological optimization and gradual increase of sports performance in volleyball players.

Objective: To pedagogically analyze the cardiovascular adaptations of the university champion team of masculine volleyball in 2011.

Methods: Transitional/descriptive and explanatory research of a correlational and non-experimental order. The best volleyball players (n = 14) who previously won the national university men‘s volleyball championship in 2011 in Cuba are studied. Eight training units are controlled in their final session during two training mesocycles based on a block model. Cardiovascular values are self-monitored by taking the pulse via the carotid route.

Results: The trend lines remained relatively stable in the basal pulse (p = 0.897) and in the warm-up pulse (p = 0.059), and increased in the main pulse (p = 0.000) and final pulse (p = 0.000) of the training. Additionally, particularities are analyzed according to the principle of individualization of sports training.

Conclusions: The preparation process was physiologically sustainable, but did not optimally meet its physiological objective of preparing the body for the main part of the training session. In this sense, cardiovascular adaptations to the programmed physical stimulus do not meet the necessary parameters to obtain optimal sports form for a macrocycle composed of two mesocycles and eight microcycles of preparation.


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How to Cite

Morán-Pedroso L, Chamorro-Balseca NC, Sánchez-Córdova B, Calero-Morales S. Pedagogical analysis of the cardiovascular adaptations of the university champion team of masculine volleyball. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];46:e5855. Available from:



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