Low-tech assisted reproduction in humans and assisted filiation: a medical-legal approach
assisted reproduction, assisted filiation, medical-legal approachAbstract
Introduction: The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, of 2019, the Family Code and the Regulation for assisted reproduction in humans beings, marked a new panorama based on the legal protection that the norm establishes for couples who attend assisted reproduction services. Therefore, it is necessary to delve deeper into the aspects related to medical norm and practice.
Objective: To assess the indicators of the Provincial Center of Low-Tech Assisted Reproduction of Matanzas in the last five years and the incorporation of solidary gestation and homoaffective couples in its work results. Likewise to determine in couples the rate of acceptance of informed consent legitimized before notary and the requirements that this demands for its process.
Methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out at the Center of Low-Tech Assisted Reproduction of Matanzas, during the period of 2019-2023. The universe was made up of 312 couples. A probabilistic sampling was carried out by random selection, with a sample of 135 couples.
Results: There was a significant decrease in all indicators with respect to previous years (13.9% of consultations and 11.7% of couples attended in 2023).
Conclusion: In the last five years, the Center's indicators show unfavorable results, with a decrease in the number of consultations, number of couples treated and number of referrals; there are no cases of homoaffective couples requesting solidary gestation. The rate of acceptance of informed consent legitimized before a notary was very low, and considered an obstacle by the majority of those studied.
assisted reproduction; assisted filiation; medical-legal approachDownloads
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