Social contribution of nursing in disciplinary advancement



contribution, nursing, academia, science, technology


Introduction: Society demands that Nursing graduates meet health-related needs, which guarantees their social relevance; for this, as justification, it is useful to know about their social contribution.

Objective: To delimit the social contribution of nursing in disciplinary advancement.

Methods: A qualitative methodology was applied, with a method of systematic reviews of articles indexed in high-impact databases such as Scopus and ScienceDirect. Ten articles from the last five years were obtained. The data were recorded in a systematization matrix of the findings. The technique of analysis of extracted documents was used, related to the social contribution of nursing in the disciplinary advancement. They were presented in codes, categories, and central themes.

Results: The results show four categories: scientific and theoretical advancement, which shows the social contribution of nursing; academic transformation, for disciplinary innovation in nursing; innovation in practice, for the social relevance in nursing; and technological empowerment for the social relevance in nursing. The discussion focused on these last four categories.

Conclusions: Nursing has become a discipline with a social and humanistic approach. It is recognized as a transforming science of understanding oneself and the other. Nursing is made visible in holistic and technological care.


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How to Cite

García-Martínez MA, Rebolledo-Malpica D, Muñiz-Granoble G, Rodríguez-Orozco CL, Macias-Solorzano CG, Vargas-Aguilar GM. Social contribution of nursing in disciplinary advancement. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];47:e5958. Available from:



Research article