Effects of pedagogical action on child nutrition in the rural sector of the canton Riobamba
acciones pedagógicas, nutrición infantil, RiobambaAbstract
Introduction: Pedagogical action can be a determining factor for family education in the nutritional area, and as a based on it, improve indicators directly related to health such as the body mass index in children.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of a plan of pedagogical actions to enhance child nutrition in the rural sector of the canton Riobamba.
Methods: Descriptive, explanatory research, of correlational order and longitudinal orientation, intervening with a nutritional pedagogical plan for 88 families and their children (5-7 years); the body mass index was compared at two moments of the intervention process.
Results: A significant improvement in body mass index (p=0,000) is evidenced according to the Wilcoxon test at the end of the intervention process, with 68 positive ranges (72.27% of the cases studied improved their body weight to a medium healthy weight level), and 20 ties (22.73% maintained their low weight condition).
Conclusions: Intervention plans with pedagogical actions can improve child nutrition in low-income rural areas. However, it is recommended to assess family particularities, given that a notable percentage of the sample did not improve their low weight condition.
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