Follow-up strategy to regulate arterial hypertension in older adults in Ecuadorian gerontological centers



effective strategy, arterial hypertension, older adults


Introduction: The control and treatment of hypertensive patients requires concrete actions, which include educational and personalized interventions which can be solved through a systematic follow-up of the patient by health professionals.

Objective: To assess the effects of a follow-up strategy to regulate arterial hypertension in older adults in Ecuadorian gerontological centers.

Methods: Descriptive, explanatory research of a quasi-experimental type. Two independent homogeneous groups were formed with grade I hypertensive patients (group 1, experimental: n= 21; group 2, control: n= 20). Home measures were oriented for both groups, and the experimental group was intervened with a systematic follow-up strategy of 6 months duration by a multidisciplinary health group.

Results: The analysis of the effects of the strategy for group 2 in the treatment and reduction of intergroup grade I hypertension did not show notable improvements (p= 0.180); the same did not happen with group 1 (p= 0.001), so there are significant differences in favor of the experimental group (p= 0.00), when comparing the results of the post-test in both independent groups.

Conclusions: Taking into account the characteristics of the hypertensive population of the Ecuadorian coast, the follow-up strategy implemented has satisfactory effectiveness; the influential causes that aggravate the patient's health status are significantly reduced by individualizing the treatment, and compliance with control and treatment measures is systematically assessed.


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Moran P, Suárez-Lima GJ, Espinoza-Carrasco AS, Novillo-Luzuriaga NN, Zapa-Cedeño JK. Follow-up strategy to regulate arterial hypertension in older adults in Ecuadorian gerontological centers. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];46:e6069. Available from:



Research article