Factors associated with the use of modern contraceptive methods in Peruvian women of reproductive age
Anticonceptivos, asociación, factores sociodemográficos, mujeresAbstract
Introduction: Modern contraceptive methods are a health strategy that reduces maternal mortality. However, there are more than 250 million women in the world with unmet needs for contraceptive methods.
Objective: To determine the factors associated with the use of modern contraceptive methods in women treated at the Andahuaylas Health Center, in 2023.
Methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective analytical study was conducted, with a non-probabilistic convenience sampling of 177 women aged 15 to 49 years. For the bivariate analysis, the chi-square statistic of independence was used. Each factor was evaluated separately, to determine its association with the dependent variable. The independent variables that were statistically significant were taken to the final multivariate logistic regression model. The level of statistical significance established was p<0.05, with confidence intervals (CI) of 95%. The SPSS version 25 program was used.
Results: Being in a relationship (aOR: 7.1; CI: 2.3-22.0; P=0.00), professing the Catholic confession (aOR: 6.3; CI: 2.0-19.8; P=0.00), speaking Spanish (aOR: 3.1; CI: 1.0-9.2; P=0.00), not having been a victim of domestic violence (aOR: 11.6; CI: 3.2-41.6; P=0.00) and previous use of modern contraceptives (aOR: 6.1; CI: 2.3-16.3; P=0.00) had a positive association with the use of modern contraceptives.
Conclusions: The factors that were associated with the use of modern contraceptive methods were: being in a relationship, speaking Spanish language, not suffering family violence and having previously used contraceptives, which increases the probability of use them among women of the Andahuaylas Health Center.
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