Free light chains in the blood of subjects in rural areas of the Manabí province, Ecuador



free light chains; monoclonal component; monoclonal gammopathy; multiple myeloma


Introduction: Monoclonal gammopathies are characterized by the stable or progressive proliferation of a clone of plasma cells. The most prevalent is monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance, with a risk of developing multiple myeloma; exposure to agrochemicals may be a predisposing factor. Excessive secretion of free light chains in these diseases occurs before the symptoms of a monoclonal gammopathy appear and can cause kidney damage, among other complications.

Objective: To analyze the levels of free light chains in the blood of subjects from rural areas of Manabí.

Methods: Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional and prospective study. 88 samples that presented results of monoclonal peaks and/or distortions in the proteinogram profile were chosen and the free light chains test was performed.

Results: The age range with the highest frequency of pathological cases was between 56-62 years. The female sex, the Montubia ethnic group and people linked to agricultural work predominated. The free k/λ ratio was pathological in 77% of the subjects, with kappa predominating. There was no significant difference between the free κ/λ ratio in terms of sex, but there was a significant difference between mestizo and montubio subjects, and it was highly significant in farmers with respect to other occupations.

Conclusions: The levels of the free κ/λ ratio in the blood of subjects from rural areas of Manabí demonstrated to be statistically higher in self-declared mestizo people and in farmers who are exposed to toxic substances. The results found indicate the presence of a possible monoclonal gammopathy in this population.


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How to Cite

Cairo-Martínez JC, Howland-Álvarez I, Fosado-Téllez OA, Ponce-Ibarra YP, Solórzano-Andrade ME, Campos-García GA. Free light chains in the blood of subjects in rural areas of the Manabí province, Ecuador. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];47:e6288. Available from:



Research article