The association of oral manifestations with follow-up markers in HIV persons, attending the Seropositive Integral Attention Centre Dr. Ismael Triana Torres


  • Ileana de la Caridad García Rodríguez Filial Tecnológica de la Salud 27 de Noviembre. Matanzas
  • Lázaro Vichot Fernández Filial Tecnológica de la Salud 27 de Noviembre. Matanzas
  • Michel Batista Carvajal Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas
  • Yusbelkis Romero Díaz Filial Tecnológica de la Salud 27 de Noviembre. Matanzas


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, oral manifestations,  follow-up studies, T-CD4-positive lymphocyte, viral load


Introduction: There have passed already 25 years since AIDS appeared, and in those more than two decades lapsed the medicine has achieved big advances in the diagnose and clinical characterization of the disease, but a cure has not still been gotten. This syndrome is defined by a series of diseases associated to the immunodepression produced by its causal agent. The oral manifestations, typical in people with HIV/AIDS, have been related with follow-up markers both immunologic and virological. Objective: Associating the oral manifestations with the follow up markers in HIV persons attended in the SIAC Dr. Ismael Triana Torres since January 2003 to December 2007. Methods: We carried out an explicative or retrospective-experimental study. The universe was formed by 275 patients diagnosed with HIV, and the sample finally conformed to 135 individuals, selected in an stratified way. The study basic unit was the dentist consultation of the patients integrating the sample. We used statistic, descriptive and inferential methods.


How to Cite

García Rodríguez I de la C, Vichot Fernández L, Batista Carvajal M, Romero Díaz Y. The association of oral manifestations with follow-up markers in HIV persons, attending the Seropositive Integral Attention Centre Dr. Ismael Triana Torres. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];33(2):147-54. Available from:



Research article