Acute myocardial infarct in centers of integral diagnosis. Municipality of San Francisco, Zulia. Venezuela 2007


  • Luis Enrique Moreno Peña Policlínico Universitario Cesáreo Sánchez. Pedro Betancourt. Matanzas
  • Idalia Teresita Hernández Hervís Policlínico Universitario Cesáreo Sánchez. Pedro Betancourt. Matanzas
  • Raúl Moreno Peña Hospital Provincial Docente Clínico-Quirúrgico José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Gladys García Peñate Hospital Provincial Docente Clínico-Quirúrgico José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Rudy Saél González Mendoza Policlínico Universitario Cesáreo Sánchez. Pedro Betancourt. Matanzas


myocardial infarction,  incidence, risk factors, hypertension, smoking, chronic disease, diabetes mellitus, intensive care units, Venezuela


We carried out a cross-sectional descriptive observational study, with the objective of describing the behavior of the acute myocardial infarct in the patients entering the intensive care units in the four centers of integral diagnosis working in the municipality of San Francisco, in the state of Zulia, during 2007. The universe of the study was 51 patients, and the sample was formed by 40 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria, and not having exclusion criteria. To collect the information we used the individual clinical records. We applied the statistic method of simple percentual analysis to the obtained results. 72,5 % of the patients with myocardial infarction were of the male sex and the age group of the 50-59-years-old ones predominated in the total of the patients, with 37,5 %. The most frequent risk factor was the arterial hypertension, with 67,5 %, followed by smoking, with 22,5 %. The most frequent acute myocardial infarct according to its localization was the anteroseptal one, with 35 %. The most frequent complications were the electric ones, led by the ventricular extrasystoles, with 40 %.


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How to Cite

Moreno Peña LE, Hernández Hervís IT, Moreno Peña R, García Peñate G, González Mendoza RS. Acute myocardial infarct in centers of integral diagnosis. Municipality of San Francisco, Zulia. Venezuela 2007. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];33(2):168-73. Available from:



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