Factors related with the academic performance in the matter Human Morpho-physiology IV, of the National Program of Formation of Community Integral Medicine


  • Caridad Martínez Pedroso República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
  • Yamilka Eulalia Leiva Cubeñas Universidad de Ciencias Médicas José Aseff Yara. Ciego de Ávila.
  • Esther G. Báez Pérez Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas Laudelino González González. Matanzas.
  • José Fernández Morín Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas Laudelino González González. Matanzas.


underachievement, education, medical, risk factors, knowledge, socioeconomic factors, marital status.


We carried out an investigation study with the objective of characterizing the academic performance of the group of students of the National Program of Formation of Community Integral Medicine, during the teaching of the matter Human Morpho-Physiology IV, in the municipality Leonardo Infante, State of Guarico. We worked with the universe of 32 students studying the matter in the first group of the program and with the twelve teachers that taught the matter; surveys were applied to both of the groups. To collect the information we also made a structured interview to key informants, and obtained information from the records of the Educational Secretary of the State, allowing us to present and discuss the results. With everything, it was possible to identify factors related with the academic performance in the matter studied, grouped according to the assumed classification. When the study was concluded they turned out to be related with the socioeconomic aspects, the academic aspects before entering the career, and the academic aspects during the teaching-learning process in the matter Human Morpho-Physiology IV, with the characteristic of being the fourth part of a matter that is imparted. These last ones, proper of the teaching process, were identified as the one with bigger relevance.


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How to Cite

Martínez Pedroso C, Leiva Cubeñas YE, Báez Pérez EG, Fernández Morín J. Factors related with the academic performance in the matter Human Morpho-physiology IV, of the National Program of Formation of Community Integral Medicine. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2011 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];33(2):210-8. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/820

