De Queravin’s thyroiditis. Inform of a case


  • Ihosvany Ruiz Hernández Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Antonis Cano Soler Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Antonio Yosvany Méndez Alonso Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Aida García Guell Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas


De Quervain´s thyroiditis, clinic, differential diagnosis


This entity probably has a viral origin. The symptoms usually began after an infection of the upper respiratory ways and are characterized by general discomfort, mild fever and pain, generally unilateral, on the thyroid or referred to ears and jawbone. In the exploration, there is a great sensibility at the touch of the thyroid, nodular and increased in size. Sometimes there is no pain, being rare the debut with signs of serious hyperthyroidism. What it is characteristic is the increase of the sedimentation speed and the decrease of the thyroidal capture of radioactive iodine. Respecting the hormonal levels, in the first stage T4 and T3 are increased and TSH eliminated; lately, as the hormonal gland gets empty, there is a stage of hypothyroidism. The differential diagnosis should be established with the serious disease and with the silent thyroiditis. The process evolves during several months achieving the complete recovering of the thyroidal function.  In those milder cases, it is usual to control the symptoms with anti inflammatory drugs, being necessary the use of the steroidal ones in most in the most serious cases. It is not indicated the treatment with anti thyroids and propranolol may be used to control the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.  Having a patient with these characteristics we decided to present the case.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Hernández I, Cano Soler A, Méndez Alonso AY, García Guell A. De Queravin’s thyroiditis. Inform of a case. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];35(4):397-403. Available from:



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