Vanek's tumor or inflammatory fibroid polyp. Report of a case


  • Adrián Marcos Mellado Pérez Hospital Provincial Universitario Arnaldo Milián Castro. Santa Clara, Villa Clara
  • Mario Orlando Hernández Cubas Hospital Provincial Universitario Arnaldo Milián Castro. Santa Clara, Villa Clara
  • Manuel Lara Martín  Hospital Provincial Universitario Arnaldo Milián Castro. Santa Clara, Villa Clara


inflammatory fibroid polyp, Vanek´s tumor, histopathologic inform


The Vanek's tumor or inflammatory fibroid polyp (IFP) is a rare benign lesion of submucosal location, not encapsulated, that may be located throughout the digestive tract, being more common in the gastric antrum (80%), although it has also been described in the gastroesophageal junction, duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon. It is the less frequent benign gastric tumor (1-4%) with slight predominance in males and a peak incidence after the sixth decade of life, being its process of getting malignant an exceptional event. This case report presents a 47-year-old male patient with a Vanek's tumor of antral localization that was diagnosed at the Teaching Provincial Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro, of Santa Clara.


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How to Cite

Mellado Pérez AM, Hernández Cubas MO, LaraMartín M. Vanek’s tumor or inflammatory fibroid polyp. Report of a case. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];35(4):404-10. Available from:



Presentation of cases