Granulomatous hepatitis in a patient with Miliary Tuberculosis: presentation of a case


  • Dalia García Cuervo Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas
  • Yanet Acosta Piedra Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas
  • Omara Bandera Rodríguez Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas
  • Janet Testar de Armas Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas
  • Adianez Jiménez Álvarez Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas


miliary tuberculosis, granulomatous hepatitis


Granulomatous hepatitis as initial element of a tubercular disease is few frequent; the efficacy of the tests for diagnosing hepatic tuberculosis is low, being infections (tuberculosis, brucellosis, fungi, parasites, etc.). The main cause of hepatic granulomatosis. during the hematic dissemination in the miliary tuberculosis, occurring in the development of primo-infection, liver is able of receiving and dwelling a considerable charge of bacilli due to its anatomic functional characteristics; they group in the form of granulomas, a pattern of chronic inflammatory reaction, in which there is a predomination of an special kind of cells called macrophages; it frequently causes a prolonged febrile syndrome and may start with little precise clinical manifestations. We present the case of a male patient entering the Medicine Service of the Military Hospital Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy of Matanzas, with a picture of unknown origin fever, resulting being originated by this cause.


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How to Cite

García Cuervo D, Acosta Piedra Y, Bandera Rodríguez O, Testar de Armas J, Jiménez Álvarez A. Granulomatous hepatitis in a patient with Miliary Tuberculosis: presentation of a case. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 7 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];36(1):75-84. Available from:



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