Brain pseudo tumor in the course of a primary anti phospholipidic syndrome. Case presentation


  • Aida García Güell Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Ihosvany Ruiz Hernández Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Lyem Salgado Montejo Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Mariela Guerra Alfonso Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas
  • Yamira López García Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José R. López Tabrane. Matanzas


anti phospholipidic, autoimmune diseases, brain tumor


The anti phospholipidic syndrome as cause of a multiple endothelial dysfunction is usually associated to many autoimmune diseases and, occasionally, precedes them many years. We present the case of a female patient, aged 36 years with healthy antecedents, who entered the hospital with convulsions associated to a right hemiparesis with central facial taking and left frontal parietal tomographic images that are compatible with a possible metastatic brain tumor. Looking for the primary lesion, several hematologic, ultrasonographic and radiologic studies were carried out, showing negative results. During her hospital staying, she had a left pleural effusion and a deep venous thrombosis in both lower limbs. After a 45-days staying in the hospital, and due to her recovery and all-symptoms regression, an evolution magnetic resonance was carried out, showing the total disappearance of the neurologic lesion; we arrived to the conclusion that it was a brain pseudo tumor in the course of a primary  anti phospholipidic syndrome.


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How to Cite

García Güell A, Ruiz Hernández I, Salgado Montejo L, Guerra Alfonso M, López García Y. Brain pseudo tumor in the course of a primary anti phospholipidic syndrome. Case presentation. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Oct. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];36(5):665-70. Available from:



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