Dental trauma in soldiers aged 17-22 years from the municipality of Cienfuegos
dental trauma, young soldiers, incisor vestibuloversion.Abstract
Background: Buccal dental traumas are lesions produced in teeth, bones and other support tissues as a result of a physical impact against them. Preserving dental tissues was the main aim in this case.
Aim: characterizing dental traumas among the population of soldiers
aged 17-22 years from the school for Defense Training of Cienfuegos.
Material and methods: observational-descriptive study carried out from January to
July 2014. We worked with the totality of the universe formed by 110 soldiers; data were obtained through a form elaborated for that and clinical examination, performed in the Sanitary Medical Post wherethe soldiers are attended.
Results: the most affected group was the one formed by soldiers aged 20-22 years (68, 9 %), finding the non-complicated crown fracture as the most frequent trauma for 29, 9 %. The main trauma cause were automobile accidents (28, 9 %) and the main risk factor, incisor vestibuloversion with 35,6 % of the trauma patients. We found evidence of direct proportion between the lack of stomatologic care and the presence of sequels affecting dental mortality index.
Conclusions: it is necessary to educate the population for them to know what to do in the case of dental trauma and the most indicated moment for visiting the dentist to diminish both, the sequels and the dental mortality index.
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