Characterization of the family health in medicine students’ families


  • María de los Ángeles Martín Suárez Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas
  • Miriela Díaz Bringas Centro Docente de Rehabilitación del Neurodesarrollo Rosa Luxemburgo. Matanzas
  • Maura Sánchez Lozada Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas
  • Ernesto Juan Fernández Cárdenas Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas
  • Maritza Teresa Carrillo Alfonso Filial de Ciencias Médicas Gabriela Áreas. Cárdenas. Matanzas
  • Tatiana Guasch Almeida Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas


family health, characterization, medicine students


Background: family is basic as a health determinant and it is the most adjusting efficacious net in social life. The fulfillment of its functions is essential for the full development of its members, and for propitiating responsibility and positive attitudes toward study and work.  
Aim: to characterize family health in Medicine students’ families.
Material and methods: we carried out a cross-sectional descriptive research, in 45 families of Medicine students belonging to the University Policlinic Heroes del Moncada, urban area of Cardenas, Matanzas. In the elaboration of the family health history, the techniques of observation and interviewing were used, and also the family functioning perception test for diagnosing family health through the relational dynamic.
Results: 60 % are nuclear families and 35,6 % are extensive ones. 64,5 % are median families, followed by the little ones with 15,  and 2,2 % are big. 73,3 % of the families are bi-generational and 11 are tri-generational. Nuclear bi-parental families are predominant with 15, being 55,6 %; 7 are reconstituted, for 25,9 % of all the nuclear families, and 5 are monoparental ones. 88,9 % of the total are functional families, and the rest are moderately functional.
Conclusions: There it was a predominance of nuclear, bi-generational and median families.  The biparental families were the most frequent, followed by the reconstituted ones. In around half of the sample, both parents live together, being married for the first time. There it was a diagnosis prevalence of functional family. No dysfunctional family was diagnosed.


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Author Biographies

María de los Ángeles Martín Suárez, Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas

Doctora en Medicina.(1985). Especialista de Primer Grado en MGI. (1991). Profesora Asistente de MGI. Metodóloga Integral Policlínico Docente "Héroes del Moncada", Cárdenas.

Miriela Díaz Bringas, Centro Docente de Rehabilitación del Neurodesarrollo Rosa Luxemburgo. Matanzas

Licenciada en Psicología. Master en Atención integral al niño. Profesora Asistente de Psicología. Departamento de Evaluación y Diagnóstico.

Maura Sánchez Lozada, Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas

Doctora en Medicina. Especialista de Primer Grado en MGI. Profesora Asistente de MGI. Policlínico Docente "Héroes del Moncada", Cárdenas

Ernesto Juan Fernández Cárdenas, Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas

Doctor en Medicina. Especialista de Primer Grado en Gineco-obstetricia. Profesor Asistente de GO. Policlínico Docente "Héroes del Moncada", Cárdenas

Maritza Teresa Carrillo Alfonso, Filial de Ciencias Médicas Gabriela Áreas. Cárdenas. Matanzas

Licenciada en Enfermería. Especialista en Enfermería Comunitaria. Profesora Asistente. Filial de Ciencias Médicas de Cárdenas "Gabriela Áreas".

Tatiana Guasch Almeida, Policlínico Universitario Héroes del Moncada. Cárdenas. Matanzas

Doctora en Medicina. Especialista de Primer Grado en MGI.  Profesora Asistente de MGI. Policlínico Docente "Héroes del Moncada", Cárdenas.



How to Cite

Martín Suárez M de los Ángeles, Díaz Bringas M, Sánchez Lozada M, Fernández Cárdenas EJ, Carrillo Alfonso MT, Guasch Almeida T. Characterization of the family health in medicine students’ families. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];37(2):121-9. Available from:



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