Use of psycho puppets in the elimination of digital suction habit. Cárdenas Municipality.Year 2000


  • Damaris Bravo Lorenzo Estomatólogo General dedicada a la Ortodoncia
  • José F. Llorach Duch Especialista de Ier Grado en Ortodoncia
  • Miriela Díaz Bringas Lic. Miriela Díaz Bringas
  • Idoris De León De la Fé Estomatólogo General




There was carried out an intervention project in the municipality of Cárdenas in the year 2000, through Psicotíteres in the Circle Infantile Loves of the Homeland in the groups of 4to, 5to and 6to year of life with the purpose of eradicating the Habit of Digital Suction in eleven children (3 to 6 years) that went resistant to a previous educational intervention because they had factors psicosociales adverse associates. There were applied psychological analysis techniques as structured interviews and psychografic analysis being arrived to the knowledge of the psychological causes that you/they underlie to the habit. The derived results of this analysis were used in the scripts of the psychotherapy of marionettes and in the sessions of the schools of parents. The educating of the Infantile Circle were involved in the correct handling of these children. A positive change took place in the behavior of the parents toward their children. The 72,8% of the children eradicated the habit completely and significant changes in the pattern of suction of 27,2 remaining %, the effectiveness of the psychotherapy of marionettes combined with the school of parents and the participation of the educating ones in the elimination of the habit of digital suction being demonstrated.


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How to Cite

Bravo Lorenzo D, Llorach Duch JF, Díaz Bringas M, De León De la Fé I. Use of psycho puppets in the elimination of digital suction habit. Cárdenas Municipality.Year 2000. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2004 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];26(1):41-7. Available from:



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